The Truth I Discovered From a Leaping Gerbil
(No gerbils were harmed in the writing of this blog) When I was 8 years old, my family had two gerbils that lived in a cage just outside my bedroom. They were an entertaining pair and so it was quite sad when we discovered that one of them had passed away while I was at school. It wasn't long before my parents felt really sorry for the cute little gerbil that remained behind, friendless and alone. One might think the obvious solution was to buy the gerbil a new friend, but my parents had something else in mind. "We are going to set him free," they announced with excitement to the sad and confused faces of their three kids. Surely mom and dad knew what was best, so we all skipped along behind the cage as it was carried outside to the wooded surroundings of our backyard. With appropriate drum roll and circus ringmaster flair, my father announced the opening of the cage door with a dramatic flip of the latch. Although we had expected an equally dramatic gerbil, lau...